Growing Online Presence of Indians and Financial Planning

27 Mar 2023

Indians’ Online Presence is Growing

It is true that the number of internet users in India has been growing rapidly in recent years. According to data from the World Bank, the number of internet users in India increased from around 22 million in 2000 to over 690 million in 2020. This growth has been driven by a number of factors, including the increasing availability of affordable smartphones and data plans, as well as the expansion of internet infrastructure in the country.

The growth of internet usage in India has also been accompanied by a proliferation of online services and platforms, including e-commerce, social media, and online entertainment. This has led to significant economic and social changes in the country, with the rise of the "digital economy" and the increasing importance of the internet in everyday life.

Overall, the rapid growth of internet usage in India has had significant implications for both the economy and society and is likely to continue to shape the country's development in the coming years.


Impact of COVID

India has been heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the country's response to the crisis has included a significant online presence.

One aspect of India's online presence during the pandemic has been the use of social media and other online platforms to share information about the virus and the government's response. This has included the use of platforms like Twitter and Facebook to share official updates and guidelines, as well as the creation of dedicated websites and portals to provide information about the virus and its spread.

Another aspect of India's online presence during the pandemic has been the use of digital technologies to support various aspects of the response. This has included the use of telemedicine and other digital health tools to support the delivery of healthcare services, as well as the use of online platforms to facilitate remote work and education.

Overall, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of online platforms and digital technologies in supporting various aspects of the response and mitigating the impact of the crisis.


COVID & Financial Planning

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the financial well-being of many individuals and families in India. In response, there are a number of steps that individuals can take to plan their finances during this time:

1.     Assess your financial situation: It is important to understand your current financial situation, including your income, expenses, debts, and assets. This will help you identify any potential financial challenges or vulnerabilities and allow you to make informed decisions about your finances.

2.     Create a budget: Developing a budget can help you track your spending, identify areas where you can cut costs, and ensure that you have enough money to cover your essential expenses.

3.     Build an emergency fund: The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of having an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses. Consider setting aside a portion of your income each month to build up an emergency fund.

4.     Review your insurance coverage: Make sure that you have adequate insurance coverage to protect yourself and your family in the event of a financial emergency. This may include health insurance, life insurance, and other types of coverage.

5.     Seek professional advice: If you have specific financial planning needs or concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic, it may be helpful to consult with a financial advisor or professional. They can provide guidance and recommendations based on your individual circumstances.

Overall, it is important to stay informed and make informed financial decisions during the COVID-19 pandemic. By planning your finances carefully, you can protect yourself and your family from financial hardship during these uncertain times.


Online Resources for Financial Planning

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the financial well-being of many individuals and families in India. In response, there has been an increased focus on financial planning and management during the pandemic.

There are a number of online resources available to help individuals in India plan their finances during the COVID-19 pandemic. These resources include:

There are a number of online resources available for financial planning in India. Some options include:

  1. Online financial planning tools: Many financial institutions and websites offer online tools and calculators to help individuals plan their finances. These tools can help you determine how much you need to save for retirement, calculate your net worth, or create a budget.
  2. Online financial advisors: Some companies offer online financial planning services through virtual meetings with financial advisors. These services can help you create a financial plan and provide guidance on investments and other financial decisions.
  3. Financial planning apps: There are also a number of financial planning apps available for smartphones that can help you track your spending, create a budget, and set financial goals.
  4. Information storage and sharing apps: Certain apps like My Folio can be used to store and share confidential financial information that can be accessed by your Nominees in real time as and when you choose, and in the event of death. The data is stored on a secure cloud and is encrypted with the highest standard of security mechanisms.

Overall, online financial planning resources can be a convenient and cost-effective way for individuals in India to manage their finances and plan for the future. It is important to do your research and carefully evaluate the credibility and reputation of any online financial planning resource you are considering using.

My Folio helps you securely collate all your financial as well as non-financial information in one place and makes it easily shareable with your Nominees in case of death or when the Nominator wants.